“There can be no joy greater than reading, and no strength greater than knowledge.”
P.M. Panicker Memorial National Reading Day was celebrated at our school. The guest for the day was Dr. Vinayaka A.M. who is pursuing an MDS degree at Bapuji Dental College. He is a great motivational speaker and IARDO awardee, and was a delegate at the Asia Youth International Model United Nations in Thailand as well. Addressing the children, he spoke about the importance of developing skills in order to shape one’s career. Overall, it was a very lively interactive session. A seminar to promote reading habit in children was also conducted on the occasion of Reading Day.
Reading and knowledge should not be limited to work related aspects. It should help develop social responsibility, as well as service to the nation and humanity. Students and teachers visited Chikkanahalli village in Davangere District to promote reading habit among rural children. Students of Class IX donated 120 books and stationary items to rural children, and also spent time engaging in reading value based stories to them. These types of responsible actions help in building a progressive nation. At Amrita, children are taught that such community outreach programs would help in spreading the message of peace and respect for others, and foster the unity and integrity of the nation.
Our school also observed Reading Month from June 19th to July 18th in order to encourage reading in our students. The slogan adopted for this programme was “Acquiring Employable Skills through Knowledge Empowerment”. The school initiated various programmes to strengthen the reading and speaking skills of our students such as pledge, poster-making, slogan-writing, speech, essay, community reading, book donation, promotion of group reading and other skill development programs in which students from KG classes through Class X participated with zeal to help India excel globally. Children engaged in group reading, and a skill development programme for employability enhancement was organized for students of Class X.